
I’ve been sharing my Salsa recipe for years & I always get requests for it so here it is! We crave Salsa in the Summer however we make it  the entire year! Did you know salsa is packed with good healthy benefits?? Well minus the bag of tortilla chips we eat with it :)))) Salsa is low in calories and high in vitamin C! The tomatoes /lime/ onion is a great source for vitamin C and since we eat Salsa raw it’s a great way for our bodies to absorb all the goodness…Tomatoes are a great way to help keep us hydrated as well ,they are made up of 95% water , cool ,huh? Jalapeños help burn fat, Sooooo it sounds like a win win for me!!!!

Here’s my simple recipe and I will also link my food chopper we love as well:)

Salsa Recipe

1 can of diced tomatoes OR 3 fresh diced tomatoes

1/4 diced white onion 

2 slices jalapeño 

Sqeeze juice from 1 whole lime 

Pinch of sea salt 

1/2 cup cilantro 


Add all to food chopper, pulse just a few times to get the perfect blend!!! 

Hope you love it!!!

