Tips to achieve that minimalist home

Part ONE:

Have you ever looked at homes that are super clean, not a lot of clutter & think I want this but where do I even start??? I went through this process & it has truly made me so happy learning to be more intentional about my home, shopping & spending money wisely…

First things first, declutter! This can be hard yet so fulfilling at the same time. Start in one room so you don’t overthink or get overwhelmed! Even If you have to take everything out down to the bare walls! Paint if needed, I always recommend white if you want that clean start! You can add art & color to the room to make this space feel like you! Next I always love a good chandelier! Now this is where it gets tricky because you don’t want to overspend. However, I feel like the chandi in my room is the eye candy. It’s what makes the statement so I did’t mind spending more $$$ on this because I don’t have ALOT of little things in the room that would possibly add up to this! Next step.. only add pieces you truly need in the room. So if we’re working on the living room - obviously your sofa, loveseat, chair coffee table ect! Another thing I’m obsessed with is our framed tv! This has helped declutter SO MUCH! So the framed tv has eliminated wires, and all the things that go along with it.. .not to mention it’s clean, thin, STYLISH & WORTH IT!!! Next only add pillows, a few art pieces, rug if needed & that’s it!!! Try to keep the small things to a minimum ( I only have a few books on a basket tray & candle on the top for coffee table decor;) I keep it neutral occasionally add a pop of color, however you can change these few things out for the holidays!

Part TWO:

So, now that you’ve made the step to make your home minimalist, let’s talk about how to maintain it… Let’s just hop right in! If you’ve took the step to get to this point and declutter, you probably don’t want to spiral backwards back to the beginning, right?!

This takes a lot of self control to tell your brain when you’re shopping, looking at all the new things to let them be & not buy because it’s “trendy” or the “latest” thing out! Think about your space & how you transformed it & only buy if you know where that item will go! If you can’t think of anywhere, well that’s a clear sign to put it back & let it sit pretty on the store shelf, lol! Again, lots of self control!!! This has helped me so much to not buy things & it ends up in a closet or our garage because I just didn’t know where to put it or it was just a trendy moment that quickly went away, raise your hand if you’ve been there??? If you use this strategy you will save $$$$$……. (Not to mention less clutter) also your home will be so much easier to maintain and clean more minimal!!! Now with all this said, it’s OKAY to make a purchase if you truly love the item but this helps think it out more… Another way this has helped me keep things more organized & clean is you have simplified your home & space, which makes it so much easier to keep things on a routine! Why? Because you have LESS to clean and maintain!!!

Cleaning tips…

I keep routines daily, weekly, and monthly!

Daily - run dish washer, put dishes away, wipe down all kitchen counters, bathroom counters, make the bed, sweep floors if needed, fluff pillows on sofas, and laundry.

Weekly - clean floors, we love our cross wave, wash bedding, deep clean shower, toilets, and sinks  + daily routines.

Monthly - wash sofa slip covers, clean windows, wipe trim, + weekly + daily routines + anything that needs cleaning!

Hope this helps! I will work on closet tips/organizing next! Stay tuned!!!
